The world is ready for you to join the ranks of people who hold vibration for others. Did you realize that as you raise your vibration, you also help those around you raise theirs? Those of you who read this post are called to raise your vibration not only for yourself but also for others of your planet.
We ask that you make it part of your life path to raise your vibration to help others raise theirs. By raising your frequency, life gets easier. Each time there is a shift to a higher vibration, there is less negativity and less suffering for all. Most importantly there is less for you. By helping yourself, there is the byproduct of helping others.
How to raise your vibration? For many they believe that volunteering, being the Good Samaritan, is the right way to go. Yes that is true and that absolutely does help. However the core meaning is ridding your body and mind of negativity or the removal of emotions that do not serve you. For example guilt, jealousy, and anger are some of the emotions with low resonance to name a few. This must become part of your lifestyle. This must become a daily practice of recognizing what does and does not feel good to you.
When you feel great, your frequency is the highest it can be in that moment but when you don’t feel good your frequency lowers. Yes, you can decide to feel great all the time but is that really realistic? All of you have emotions playing just under the surface, good and bad, like background music while you are shopping. This you learned growing up to survive in your world. It is not easy to escape the ones that make you stumble and keep you from feeling great 24/7. You automatically resort to these emotions because it is all you know.
You are not alone. Everyone of you have these life challenges. The people attracted to this blog on some level are searching for the truth of how to live better and happier in this present day. You can do this. Make it your daily practice to notice what events or thoughts trigger your happiness or unhappiness, then journal it. Revel in your joy when it is present. When the feeling is much lower than joy connect the event (the trigger) that began this downward spiral to a lower resonance and then connect the feeling to something or someone that made you feel that way in childhood. This discovery must be forgiven and released by you. If you find this difficult there are healers that can help you. Each negative emotion released raises your vibration permanently. Now you become the ultimate Good Samaritan.
Emotion is the basic reason all of you are here experiencing life on planet Earth. This is not always the easy path. There are other lifetimes on other planets that have been much easier for you. All of you were so excited, before birth, to become part of the planet Earth experience meaning feeling emotion and helping the planet as well.
For this We thank you, Source